Friday, November 22, 2019

CBFE MIDTERM TIPS (Basic Fieldwork)

Midterm always seems to come quickly in Basic Fieldwork! Here are some tips to help you prepare for and complete the CBFE at midterm:

  • Take time to review the evaluation to refresh your memory on areas that you are evaluating for midterm. This will help to target your observations and begin to gather examples of how your student is doing.

  •  In addition to direct observation, consider other evaluation strategies such as:

    • Talking through a client session with your student,
    • Reviewing written documentation,
    • Gathering perspectives of team members and OT colleagues.   


  • Considering the competency descriptors and your minimum placement expectations (where you expect your student to be at the end of Basic Fieldwork), rate your student on each competency using the drop down arrow provided to select a score (between 1-3).
  • Use the comment section to provide examples of how your student is meeting expectations, strengths, and areas for improvement.  
  • Grading:
    • At the end of Basic, we do not expect that all students will meet a 3 in all competencies. There will be some variations across competencies. A grade of 3 equates to “mastery of Level 1 and transitioning to Level 2”
    • Please do not rate your student above a 3 for Basic. If your student seems exceptional please use the comment section to indicate this.
    • Determination of a pass or fail by the university is based on the average of the competency marks and comments at final.

EVALUATION OF STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES (created by student by end of first week, # of objectives determined by university)

  • Review and evaluate each objective by placing a vertical line on The Learning Objective Rating Scale.
    • Hover over the dot on the scale; a hand will appear to allow you to choose the rating.
  • How do I edit my selection?
    • Hover over the dot you selected. Once the hand appears, and it is “sitting” on the line, you can click to delete.
  • Student learning objectives are not included in the overall score and do not determine pass or fail.   
     *For additional information on student learning objectives you may want to check out the following post:

  • Consider emailing the evaluation to your student prior to your evaluation meeting to allow time to “digest” everything

As always, please reach out if you have any question or concerns.
