Thursday, October 29, 2020

CBFE: Student Learning Objectives (Learning Contract)


By the end of the first week of fieldwork, students are expected to come up with Student Learning Objectives in collaboration with their fieldwork educator. Student Learning Objectives are intended to be additional or augmentative learning to the fieldwork educator’s placement expectations.

So, what does this mean for your student/s and for you as the fieldwork educator?


 What can you expect from your student?   

  • In collaboration with you, your student will identify areas that they would like to focus on as their Student Learning Objectives (by the end of week 1 of fieldwork). 
  • Student Learning Objectives identified should:

o   Be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and time based)

o    Identify resources required and how objective will be measured/validated

  • The number of Student Learning Objectives developed will depend on the placement level. 
    • Basic: a minimum of three learning objectives
    • Intermediate and advanced placements: a minimum of 1 learning objective/for each competency (a minimum of seven).
  • Students may add additional learning objectives as they progress in the placement.


What is your role as the fieldwork educator?

  • Your role as the fieldwork educator is to ensure that your student’s personal learning  objectives are realistic and “doable” in your practice environment.
  • You may also provide feedback related to the quality of the objective. For example, is it SMART?


What are some examples of Student Learning Objectives? 

  • You can expect a wide range of objectives based on your student’s learning needs and interests. Some examples include objectives related to:

o   Learning more about a specific assessment or intervention.

o   Learning more about a specific process in your practice setting, such as the home care or panel process.

o   Learning more about a specific community resource or program within the continuum of care that you work with.

o   Building on a current skill that they feel needs work, such as charting or interviewing


How are Student Learning Objectives evaluated?

  • Student's learning objective information should be copied into the evaluation on the corresponding student learning objective pages. 
  • Student Learning Objectives are reviewed and evaluated by the fieldwork educator at midterm and final using the Learning Objective Rating Scale. ** This is done in addition to your evaluation of each of the seven competencies using the Competency Rating Scale.
  • Your student will also complete a self-evaluation of their learning objectives.
  • Keep in mind that the Student Learning Objectives are not included in the overall score and do not determine pass or fail
  • Objectives not completed may be carried forward into academics or future placements.
  • Your final feedback may provide the student with direction for learning objectives in future placements.


As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!  

Teresa & Margaret Anne 

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