Saturday, July 20, 2013

The importance of creating a safe learning environment

As OTs, we understand the impact the environment can have on our clients functioning.  The same goes for student learning.  When we, as educators, create a safe and positive environment, we set the stage for our students to feel ready to take on safe risks.  

But once again, don’t take my word for it…here are some thoughts from OTs in our community:

The feedback I have received from students in the past is that I create a supportive environment - where they do not feel afraid to try out their skills and have things not go "perfectly". Most students have said this has helped them build confidence....because a "failure or hiccup" is just an opportunity to debrief and learn from. My hope is that I make their placement feel like a partnership that we are in together.

I would hope they would say I encourage people to try and make mistakes in a safe supportive environment, I know for me I usually learn the lesson better and never forget it.

I try to be approachable and let the students know that this is a safe place to ask any questions no matter how silly they think they may be.  I always take them seriously and make sure we laugh a lot too.

Revised by Julie, 2024

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